Sfdc Service Agreement

SFDC (Salesforce.com, Inc.) is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) software that helps businesses automate their sales, marketing, and customer support processes. Like any other software provider, SFDC has a service agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of its service.

The SFDC service agreement is a legal document that governs the relationship between SFDC and its customers. It includes the terms and conditions of the service, the limitations of liability, the warranties, and the intellectual property rights.

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions of the SFDC service agreement outline the rights and responsibilities of both SFDC and its customers. They include details on the delivery of the service, the support provided, the fees, and the payment terms. The agreement typically covers issues such as security, data protection, confidentiality, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Limitations of Liability

The SFDC service agreement limits the liability of SFDC in case of damages or losses incurred by its customers. It defines the scope of SFDC`s liability, including the maximum amount of damages that SFDC will pay to its customers in case of a breach of the service agreement. It also outlines the circumstances under which SFDC will not be liable, such as force majeure events or customer negligence.


The SFDC service agreement includes warranties provided by SFDC to its customers. These warranties include the availability and performance of the service, the data security, and the compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The service agreement may also include customer warranties, such as the accuracy and completeness of customer data.

Intellectual Property Rights

The SFDC service agreement includes provisions relating to intellectual property rights. It outlines the ownership of the software, the customer data, and the intellectual property rights that may arise during the provision of the service. The agreement typically includes provisions on the use, reproduction, and distribution of such intellectual property.


In summary, the SFDC service agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the service provided by SFDC. It includes provisions on the delivery of the service, the limitations of liability, the warranties, and the intellectual property rights. As an SFDC customer, it is important to read and understand the service agreement before using the service, to ensure that you are aware of your rights and obligations.

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